Mi, I applaud your analogy on the state of our country and the...

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Reply to Msg 10073


I applaud your analogy on the state of our country and the disengagement of Haitian citizens to unite as one body to improve it once and for all, I agree with you 150%.

However, you failed to realize and acknowledge the "cause and effect" theory in your piece.

Everything you mentioned (and I agree with) is the effect or the symptoms of the government failure, incompetence and mediocrity, which is the cause of what you and I are seeing and watching our people exhibiting or better yet, acting out every day.

Mi, if the government doesn't create jobs, opportunities, and hope for its citizens these are the kind of behaviors the people will display.

When Haitians get up in the morning with no where to go and nothing to do day in and day out with no hope of a better tomorrow, how do you think they are going to act?

This is what stress, poverty, despair, hunger, illetracy, powerlessness do to human beings.

When people are active, are making a living and able to take care their families, when they are able to get an education, etc...there is les tention, less stress, less aggrevation in households, in neighborhoods, in communities, and in the entire country.

You can disagree with me, but this is what "Cause and Effect" theory manifests in people.

Mi, let say for example, you just got fired from your job of 25 years, and you have a wife up in your face nagging you constantly instead of being supportive, it's more likely after awhile you will snap because you can't take it anymore, am I right?

Well, that is cause and effect, which is the situation the Haitian people are living.

Tiba, July 27 2008, 7:22 AM


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