Hey Wallace, You asked some great questions but nevertheless I...

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Reply to Msg 10933

Hey Wallace,

You asked some great questions but nevertheless I believe that you also know many of the answer.

First of all Jesus is in haven and second Jesus is in the heart of those who accepted him as their personal Lord and Savior.

So if you like to Jesus or experience the Love of Jesus Please give your heart to Jesus today and don't wait for another day or another year because no one is guaranteed tomorrow.

According to the bible no one knows the exact time that Jesus will come back but he promise to prepare us a place in haven instead of going hell. If you will be kind enough please tell me some of the promises offered by satan the devil after you die meaning where will you as a disciple?


Yes we all know and heard of Haiti's poverty and sicknesses and the gods of Haiti of over 204 years.

But we failed compare the difference of eight (8) years minus 204=196 that God and his son Jesus Christ have nothing to do with because of false teaching or false prophecies, and the worshipping of false gods.

God and his son Jesus do not hate Haiti period.


God is sovereign and Haiti should worship a sovereign God in other to get sovereign blessings.

So let us stop comparing bananas to oranges or creature to creator.

Preval can't be God because he is not a creator of have and earth.

The people of Haiti are starving to death for lacks of knowledge and wisdom and partly because of Haiti's rebellions against the Creator "God the Father"

I understood your point concerning Haiti's sufferings more than Jesus but again we failed to understand why he suffered on the cross for you and I. If Haiti or you and I will accept the three days of Jesus sufferings than Haiti plus you and I will not have to suffer another day in other to pay for the sins of our fathers and forefathers.

I believe if Haiti repent before God as a nation than God will reverse the curses that took Haiti 204 years to build in one single defining moment of a day and this type of action my brother will fix Haiti quicker than the next five (5) years.

"Preval did more for Haitian people than Jesus did for 2000 years" this statement is not true period.

Sure Haiti's prayers will answer once we as a nation believe in God and in his son Jesus.

Papa doc, and the rest of them past and present leaders build Haiti's infrastructures on false foundation that is why we failed every time.
"Voudou" is a false foundation period and I rest my case with much love and peace to you and your family.

Jesus Is A Live, September 12 2008, 9:45 AM

Topic: Rene Preval Accused By USA For Haiti's Problems

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Wallace, 11-Sep-08 9:03 pm
Hey Wallace, You asked some great questions but nevertheless I believe that you also know many of the answer. First of... read more >
Jesus Is A Live, 12-Sep-08 9:45 am
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Jjoseph, 15-Sep-08 11:28 pm
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