Hey gason, Haitian American is enlighting our people including...

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Reply to Msg 11026

Hey gason, Haitian American is enlighting our people including myself.

Il faut regarder en arriere pour pouvoir aller en avant car il y a une corde attachee a notre posterieure qui nous retarde.

Il faut d'abord couper la corde.

En d'autre termes, qui sont nos detracteurs pendant ces 200 dernieres annees.

50% de nos detracteurs sont des etrangers; bien sur les autres 50% sont les Haitens eux-memes.

Chere Haiti est un pays appauvri donc la misere et la pauvrete du peuple n'a pas commence yier; ils ont commencen jadis, peut-etre durant le massacre du 2 Octobre 1937 en Republique Dominicaine - les juifs se rappellent chaque jour du genocide commis contre eux pourquoi pas nous les Haitiens.

Oui, Trujillo est un descendant Haitien qui a passe son temps a se maquilller pour cacher ses characterisques negres et se distancer de sa race noire.

Rft, September 27 2008, 4:49 PM

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Hi, very interesting article. The lack of historical knowledge is certainly one of the reasons why most Haitians... read more >
Rubens Titus, 27-Sep-08 4:37 pm
Hey gason, Haitian American is enlighting our people including myself. Il faut regarder en arriere pour pouvoir aller... read more >
Rft, 27-Sep-08 4:49 pm
Most of what I said can be found in the this book: "President Trujillo, His Work and the Dominican Republic" The book... read more >
Haitian American, 28-Sep-08 1:26 am
I think here we are palying with words and terminalogies. There is a big difference when saying Trujillo is Haitian... read more >
Tiba, 28-Sep-08 8:09 am
You can also read about Trujullo's Haitian heritage and his massacre of Haitian people, when he drowned them to death... read more >
Linda, 28-Sep-08 9:26 am
Tiba, I could not agree with you more on most of what you said. Yes indeed, Trujillo was a self-hating Negro, who just... read more >
Linda, 28-Sep-08 9:54 am
El caribeno,what?He dares saying that Trujillo grandmother was haitian,well growing up in port-au- prince,we had a lot... read more >
Llyod, 28-Sep-08 12:17 pm
correction:the dominican flag is the bleu and red haitian flag with a white cross in the middle to express that DR is... read more >
Llyod, 28-Sep-08 12:23 pm
Dominican poeple, good people, christian poeple, poeple of love. M Fernandez is the best president whom Dominican... read more >
El Caribeno, 28-Sep-08 1:49 pm
I have come in contact with many Haitians neg nwe tet grenn who can barely speak speak any English at all, but have... read more >
Tiba, 28-Sep-08 2:48 pm
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