These people don't know how to run a country

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I'm a realistic person.

I knew from the start that whoever got elected president wasn't going to be able solve Haiti's problems right away. Haiti is an island floating in a sea of obstacles.

My problem with the Preval Alexis government is the fact that they have not come up with any plans to deal with the obstacles.

Usually before someone runs for president you make sure you have a plan for the country you want to be president of. Obviously Preval didn't have a plan. Still, his government has had more than six months to come up with a plan, just a plan. But to this day all I hear is speeches and promises, just like old time. And you know what the Haitian people is responsible because they are not selective about who they vote into office.

This was their choice.

It's always about a popularity contest, never about who has a good vision and a decent plan for the country.

Preval never made any statements during the presidential campaign and that was a sign that he didn't have any plans for Haiti.

The international community is not obligated to run or develop Haiti.

We must do it ourselves, but it seems that the ones in power are waiting for the international community to do everything for them, including running the country.

They will help us when pigs fly.

Mark, January 9 2007, 6:34 PM

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You are leading somewhere but I don't think you know where you are going. My question for you is what kind the plan... read more >
Looking Above, 11-Jan-07 9:15 pm
I thought i had read every illogical and ridiculous comments until yours. In politics officials who want to be elected... read more >
Mark, 12-Jan-07 12:56 am
My dear, I didn’t mean to offend you by any mean and you are absolutely right “one must plane prior to run for any... read more >
Looking Above, 12-Jan-07 12:07 pm


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