A Puppet President in an oppressed country...

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You are governing this country as a puppet.

You must restore the rules of law to stop kidnapping and allow all exiled Haitians such as Duvalier, Aristide and others to return to their country.

You must start reforming the structure of the Haitian economic apparatus so the mercantile Haitian elite could change their attitude toward the Haitian people.

One thing that you must know is the Haitian colons are worst than the former French colons.

Show others that you are capable of governing and you don't want the Haitian colons turn you into a puppet president.

Stop blaming! Take actions and if the Haitian colons refuse to let you govern, you must arrest them and trial them. It is a shame to let this country function this way. The Haitian mercantile elite is helping the kidnappers to function in this country one way or another so the Haitian diaspora will stay away from this country.

If the Haitian economic elite cannot develop this country, you must call upon the Haitian people in the diaspora to help and put them aside.

Things must change in Haiti in 2009 and we cannot allow the Haitian colons to continue to tarnish anymore Haiti's reputation.

You must restore the rules of law and take actions so you will not be viewed as puppet president in Haiti...

Mathieu Derisse, January 5 2009, 12:13 AM

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