What Should be done and what could be done

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Dear Mr. President,

It is with great honor that I'm able to reach you with my words electronically.

Today, I'm writing you because I believe that it is a duty or simply an obligation as a proud Haitian young man to share my concerns with you. During your term or even after your term I'd like you to emphasize on those main policies which are:Independence of all Departments of the country, Amendment of the constitution in terms of criteria how to be accepted as a candidate.

Also, it is such an imperative to start using a pre-and post audit process for any members of the Government as a whole.

In other words, we as the nation have the right to know who we are electing when it comes to their personal finances.That formulas has to stop which makes those candidates believe that they can start from the scratch and become rich the next day after stepping in a Government position.Last of all, we need to look above in an efficient way to cut off on the Government budget.

We can not continue to spend like crazy.

Why can't the Senate and representatives members commute in common, especially when they are working on a common project somewhere within the country?

Why for those who reside in Port-au-Prince can't commute through a buses made available to them only?

Dear President what do you think about reversing that system of having "a bunch of Ministres and replace by just 9 to 10 Governors?

Would that save the nation and cut off unnecessary expenses?


Gandy Dorsainvil, April 24 2009, 12:17 PM

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