My John Jay's door By Lavaud Hold Desmoulins

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My John Jay's door

My John Jay's door, very soon,

Will be widely opened;

And where all those, who look like me,

Will switch their soft jail's beds

For the very hard benches of freedom;

For us James Madison had cheated his nights

For making those blessing inks and papers;

Please great listeners,

Forgive me for the way I see it,

The seed of Education is not planted for us;

That's the writing they are cheating

All blood of my blood,

Who are now being viciously enchained,

The penitentiary's doors

Will be forever closed behind your backs

O my Great God!

You who crafted me with the pieces

Of the sky and the dust of the earth;

You who taught me how to drink my red wines,

I summon you

In your all beauty and your all almighty

To clear my way and preserve my footprints

As a guide for all of my loved ones to follow

So that they will not confuse

The glamorous John Jay's doors

To those of their penitentiary,

Like you've been so excited to preserve

Your own footprints for me
And many of my predecessors.

You White kinds
That love me so much
And that same exceptional love
You also share it with many others like me
That are still breathing
Et tous ceux qui ont deja mange
Des pissenlis par leurs racines;
You White kinds, who are living
With my physiognomy and my philosophy
Largely engraved in your memories,
I feel your heartbeat for my severe pains I've been enjoyed,
But my John Jay's doors, very soon,
Will be widely opened;
And where all those, who look like me,
Will switch their smooth jail times
For its long and ever lasting period of freedom.

Lavaud Desmoulins, Philosopher-Poet 03/29/2007

The Dark Knight, August 12 2009, 9:12 AM

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