Duvalier was in position to kick out those mula_shits and the...

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Reply to Msg 18231

Duvalier was in position to kick out those mula_shits and the mula_sluts of the Haitian administration of doublure as Mathieu argued it four days before the earthquake.

The mulashits state that their colony has been victimized by a nuclear testing in the Caribbean Sea by one of the superpowers of the world.

That could be true, but it is good to end their administrative corruption in Haiti since 1807 under that mulashit president Petion.

Mulasluts state that they could be victims of a spread of swine flu with the redcross in Haiti now, and that is why they are leaving to Santo-Domingo or Florida.

This should be their definitive exile.

We will block the airport after the reconstruction so those mulashits will not come back again.

Whether their accusations of nuclear testing and swine flu are true, they should leave now along the Haitian wiggers (dark skinned accomplices).

Mulashits, mulasluts and those Haitian wiggers should leave now...

Sabrina H. Grandpierre, January 15 2010, 12:08 AM

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You know what go suck an egg stupid nigger, this is the reason why our country is backward you need to bring race... read more >
Antonioj, 14-Jan-10 1:58 pm
Mulato means mule that is an adultery union and that is why you keep destroying this country. Blood sucker, you got... read more >
Katiana Price Annibal, 14-Jan-10 3:00 pm
Duvalier was wrong for not finishing them all and Duvalier was wrong for not realizing that the greatest cancer of... read more >
Avenger, 14-Jan-10 5:07 pm
Duvalier was in position to kick out those mula_shits and the mula_sluts of the Haitian administration of doublure as... read more >
Sabrina H. Grandpierre, 15-Jan-10 12:08 am
Let's get real, the mulattoes have done a lot of harm to Haiti, but so have the blacks. And for petes sake, both... read more >
Linda, 15-Jan-10 12:41 am
I am happy to see the word Mula at shi& has been adopted on the blog and I give credit to the creator of Mula at slu&... read more >
Avenger, 15-Jan-10 8:50 pm


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