It's time to change puppet leaders and mulatto Exe

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It is time to change the political administration of Haiti at all levels by firing first the mulatto executives in all Haitian institutions and the government of Haiti as well. Mulattoes have governed Haiti for about 150 years, from Petion 1807 to Riviere Herard in 1849 and Soulouque the first black puppet emperor came on board for 10 years from 1849 to 1859 and then mulattoes again from 1859 to 1959, after another second black puppet president named Duvalier came on board and the latter believed that he ended on the surface mulatto rules in Haiti as a political head of the state and not inside all Haiti's public administrations.

Administratively speaking, mulattoes rule Haiti for 206 years of Haitian history.

Politically speaking, mulattoes ruled Haiti for almost 150 years of our history.

If those idiots could not understand the political blame-game accusations about puppet presidents in Haiti, I do not know what language I should use to enlighten them. If mulattoes were good managers like the ones in Dominican Republic, Venezuela, Cuba, Jamaica and Puerto-Rico, Haiti would be a paradise for anyone to live. Dessalines was poisoned by Petion because he wanted land reforms and redistribution of Haiti's wealth to all. Soulouque the first black puppet president wanted to do the same and he was kicked out from power by Geffrard.

Duvalier Francois the third black puppet president well manipulated by the mulatto executives wanted to do land reforms and redistribution of wealth as well, but he was severely attacked by the elites and he refrained himself by engaging more in political cleansing of his opponents.

The mulatto executives within the Haitian Administration made all black presidents become political puppets starting from Soulouque, Duvalier Francois et Jean-Claude, Manigat, Avril, Jonassaint, Bazin, Aristide and Preval.

Mulattoes in Haiti are laughing about us accusing our former presidents as puppets and we never asked ourselves who made them puppets and how they became to be political puppet presidents.

We must start all over by shuting down the current government at all levels administrative and political to come up with real reforms in Haiti to change the state of Haiti and not a regime change.

They all must resign now. We will organize the country politically and administratively to put an end to puppet presidents, corruption with executive mulattoes' puppet president makers, political assassination, thefts and looting, political divisiveness, lies, clientelism and patronage, our administration of doublure, child trafficking, disguised manufacturing jobs (cheap labor exploitation), prostitution, violence against women, kidnapping, Haitian mafia, subserviency, and racketerianism at all levels.

That is all the international communities see and perceive when they are talking about us.

We represent 97% of black monkeys that cannot understand our political problems to change it. They are saying that this is the right opportunity for us to take our destiny seriously, but they are asking themselves if those black monkeys can change their country this time forever.

They are asking themselves if we understand the concept of colonial legacy, mental enslavement and subserviency.

Coward people cannot make history, but real and resilient people do make history.

For over 206 years of self-internal colonization Haiti has never had its own elite.

We have a mix self-enriching elite composed largely of freed colored Frenchmen, women and African Americans (the latter migrated to Haiti from 1848 to 1864 and they had changed their names), Lebanon and Syrian such Asalib and Mirtza (they had changed their names too), Italian (Accra and Biggios), and Jamaica (The Browns) to name a few. Those people consider Haiti as their colony and they have to enrich themselves to develop their former countries.

We must start all over. Those monkeys and lackey subservients will say well Pedro you are advocating division and violence and they will stay colonized foerever.

Those who see the needs for political and administrative reforms will applaude to end puppet presidents and corruption with only mulattoes as executives at all levels within the Haitian Public institutions.

If you are a black monkey continue to defend the CEO crooks and the puppet presidents of Haiti.

We will eliminate puppets and the puppet makers (Mulatto CEOs) as well. We are not calling for physical elimination of anyone whether he or she is a puppet or a crook executive.

We are calling for an end of bad governance in Haiti and we will bring accountability on the table.

To do so, all mulatto executives should resign in all Haitian public institutions, the current puppet president and we will say the last one if we put in place this drastic reform.

To end puppet presidency, we must reform the public administration, for the mulatto executives are the real bosses of Haiti.

A good president must have political and administrative power to move the country forward.

Only mulatto presidents had political and administrative power when they were presidents, but black puppet presidents had only political power.

We must end that now...

Pedro Andre S. Calixte, January 30 2010, 3:57 PM

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