P. Mews, C.S. Saliba, L. Brandt, A.L. Brown, you are the same...

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Reply to Msg 19525

P. Mews, C.S. Saliba, L. Brandt, A.L. Brown, you are the same person posting the same stupid message under different names.

You are very stupid as well. Furthermore you are not a Mews, a Saliba, a Brandt or a Brown you are a fake; someone with a very low self-esteem.

You posted the same message under these different names just within minutes of each other.

Now I know you all tend to hang out together but it is virtually impossible for four of Haiti's greediest families to come to this site within minutes of each other to defend themselves.

Besides why would you care now?

For years Haitians have been calling you people thieves why are you reacting now?

Like i said you are a stupid individual who thinks everybody else is just as stupid as you.

Zac, February 14 2010, 12:55 PM

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Si papa mwen se vole tout Ayisyen se vole tou... map manyen bouda ou tou. read more >
P. Mews, 14-Feb-10 12:54 am
Il ne faut pas perdre ton temps a repondre tous ces chiens la. Ils sont tous les memes sans exception. La honte est... read more >
C. S. Saliba, 14-Feb-10 12:57 am
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L. Brandt, 14-Feb-10 1:00 am
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A. L. Brown, 14-Feb-10 1:03 am
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Nadege, 14-Feb-10 2:00 am
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Avenger, 14-Feb-10 11:20 am
P. Mews, C.S. Saliba, L. Brandt, A.L. Brown, you are the same person posting the same stupid message under different... read more >
Zac, 14-Feb-10 12:55 pm


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