Lucifer is him the fake priest who fooled us

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Whatever you say Louinel Jean or whoever you are is a statement against reality: Reality is that we've been killing each other forever; and there have been many among us responsible for the killings.

We've had many lucifers: Aristide is one of them. Il faut nommer le cochon par son nom, Il faut appeler un chat un chat.
La reconciliation ne saurait passer par la volonte d'une fraction d'une unite; Or pour le moment, cette fraction semble vouloir imposer sa volonte.

Il faut traiter les 2 ou 3 mils qui reclament le retour d'Aristide (Lucifer) comme des terroristes.

Ils veulent prendre en otage une majorite de citoyens qui croient a la liberte de vivre, a la liberte de travailler.

Enough is enough.

Give Preval a chance.

Ayisyen Patriyot, July 24 2006, 11:25 PM

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Ayisyen Patriyot, Would you please explain to us what you mean by "La reconciliation ne saurait passer par la volonte... read more >
Adhbriz, 25-Jul-06 11:47 am
I am a peaceful man and very liberal. At the same time I love my country. When I say : "une fraction d'une unite... read more >
Ayisyen Patriyot, 25-Jul-06 11:15 pm
You might have a view of the direction that Haiti should take, but you are extremely intolerant, intolerance and lacks... read more >
Louinel Jean, 26-Jul-06 3:27 pm
Being a peaceful man is not something you say, not a sermon to preach, but the evidence and expression of who you are... read more >
Louinel Jean, 26-Jul-06 3:35 pm
Being a peaceful man is not something you say, not a sermon to preach, but the evidence and expression of who you are... read more >
Louinel Jean, 26-Jul-06 3:38 pm
I completely agree with you that we are also humans like everybody else,"civilized" like the Jamaicans. Then, let's... read more >
Adhbriz, 26-Jul-06 4:46 pm


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