The time is now

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Dear Konfreres.

From National Unity to Family Lavalas, we have allowed ourselves each time to be divided into numerous groups.

We fail to notice that our detractors and enemies do not care whether we are true Duvalier's, true Lavalas or Opportunists.

To them, we are all Haitians from Haiti, the First Black Republic Mundial Independent, and we are all their sworn enemies.

They will oppress, humiliate us through our neighboring, next-door Country (Santo Dominguo).

Imperialism brought down 1957, (Duvalier's National Unity, and brought down 1990, the dichotomy, Family Lavalas, Now BôTab devenu, INITE (300 rganisations)
We aid and abet them by attacking and weakening each other and sometimes by doing their bidding, acting as their proxies to attack Fellow Haitians (Macoutes, Lavalassians and others).

We try to bring down our governments through violence, succeeding to weaken and impoverish our Country.

We ignore entirely and we continue to ignore the sacrifices of our ancestors, the 1804 injunction to unite and to be brothers to each other.

But this is not all that we ignore about the teachings of our ancestors (Liberty, Equality, and Fraternity): Together we are strong.

1957-1990 were accompanied by an intellectual renaissance.

However, more and more preoccupied with minor issues.

For nothing will change the fate of our Country until we try to change our fate ourselves.

Our ancestors were as oppressed as we are presently, but their sincere and determined efforts to help themselves in accordance with the teachings of Togetherness (Liberty, Equality, Fraternity) their God, Voodoo had helped them to defeat their enemies and left us, Haiti.

Charlot Charlemagne
Gros-Morne Artibonite
konfraternite at

Charlot Charlemagne, July 11 2010, 9:01 AM

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