Democrats and Republicans Are The Same Brainwashers Ok

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What is the difference between democrats and republicans and how does Haiti fit into this equation?

Before answering such a question, I would love to say this "both republicans and democrats believe that economic resources are scarce and people should compete between themselves to survive.

One way to do that is to control the weakest nations and acquire their economic resources to better distribute them between themselves.

One way to that is to divide their people in making them very weak for better control of their own wealth."

On the above point, there is no difference between democrats and republicans, for both are oppressors by nature.

To achieve their economic and political goals, they know how to make alliances.

In dividing people, they make the third world elites very conservative.

You can notice that, a conservative Haitian president in power will never get overthrown when a U.S. Republican pdt is in power.

And it is the same for a liberal democrat Haitian president if s/he gets elected under a U.S. democrat president.

Both democrats and republicans like competition and wars so they can steal economic resources among weak nations especially in third world countries and other non-organized eastern European countries.

Both U.S. democrats and republicans carry an imperialistic vision like the ancient Rome to dominate all countries that are not among the G8 and the G20 as well. Both want us to be integrated into the globalized world market.

Is that a good idea or not?

It is a good idea if you know how to get your way out like Iran and Venezuela.

To do so, one needs to foster a strong educational system in investing in science and technology.

Send your educated citizens overseas to study and steal secrets for them and after a while create some economic opportunities to bring them home to apply those technologies.

Iran and Venezuela had done it through good governance, peace and stability among them and now they want to position themselves among the G8 and the G20 nations.

That is what smart and intelligent world leaders do. Remember, before they had G5 and not G8 as it has been today and later G8 will be G10 with India and Iran or Venezuela.

Where is Haiti?

We need to borrow money from them to invest in our youth and develop our country.

The colonizers have all the world economic resources concentrated into their hands and if we are scared of financial debts we are done and we will be condemned to eat mudcakes and our citizens will starve themselves more to survive.

Is there a difference between Democrats and Republicans at this point?

There is none whatsoever if we take into consideration their shared economic vision of the world.

Do they care for our country?

No. They are taking advantage of our divisions and the more we are divided the better they can control us. They do not want Haiti for Haitians, but for their tourist citizens and their retirees as well. The retired American citizens who purchase lands in Haiti are tired with America's economic vision and due to the fact they cannot challengege the system they just escape it in seeking tax heaven place among the Third World countries.

Both republicans and democrats create this exit path for them so they can have less political tensions with those seniors that refuse to compete within their greedy economic system.

Are they different?


American democrats and republicans carry two shared economic visions although they let us believe that they are divided on the tax issues.

What are these two tax ideas?

Republicans state that direct taxation on producers discourage productivity but it sudsidizes irresponsibility.

Let me be clear on this point.

Who are the producers in the American economy?

They are mostly and not all the rich conservatives.

They never pay taxes and they always pass taxes on consummers and the products became very expensive.

That is what we have in Haiti with our own conservative elite.

You see in Haiti economic inflation every day and prices keep increasing over and over. Rich people in Haiti like in America do not like direct taxation on them. American republicans believe if they do not pay taxes they will produce and their products will be cheaper.

Republicans believe on tax consumption to pay for services.

When they are taxed the consummers receive double taxation due to the facts they shift the tax burden on them. Actually, if America wants to become prosperous Obama has to do like Bill Clinton by expanding the Bush taxcut for 5, 10 or 15 years.

That is why they cannot create jobs in America now.

Tiba will say to me this "Anonymous, that is why I do not like jobs to be created by the private sector only." If he says so, he will be right because that weakens the government a little bit. My friend, they want it this way. It is politics and the rich know how to control the poor with their economic brainwashing system.

This is a repetition of this shared economic vision and both political parties are socially conditioned and managed by the conservatives to create economic troubles to fool people.

They will always argue about financial debt, fixing budget deficit and reduce spending cuts to conserve their economic power.

America does not own money to any country in the world.

All the banks in China that are financing American businesses are owned and operated by 500 American billionaires.

Both democrats and republicans are brainwashers.

Democrats do not like tax free for republicans just to let the poor believe that we should all pay taxes.

Now, they see Lula and Chavez taking out direct taxation on producers in their countries to eliminate inflation they are panicked because these two leaders are very smart into their crazy tax system.

What should Haiti?

Should they follow Chavez and Lula's guidance to bring the inflation down?

Tell me and give your imputs ok.

Democrats since Bill Clinton make America life become very expensive.

Before Bill Clinton, gas was selling 50 cents a gallon and other products were cheaper too. With him in power and continued with Bush the great spender, things become more and more expensive and people are suffering a lot in America.

Whenever the time, they tax the producers, the prices on products and services become more and more expensive.

When republicans are in power, they take out taxes, but prices on equipment parts and services are expensive.

When Democrats are in power they are more expensive because they impose direct taxation on producers.

Haiti needs to do like Lula, just create a credit system for the poor and create jobs for them so they can pay for other services.

Give to everyone a credit card system of some amount of dollar to pay for housing, foods, electricity, water and schools and create several shift jobs to allow people to work so they can pay for what they cannot afford to pay with their credit card system.

This will allow them to afford basic necessities and they will be eager to stay in their country.

To do so, Haiti needs to create an effective national identification system to avoid fraud and whoever caught frauding the system should be punished severely.

Haiti needs to eliminate direct taxation on producers and make them happy so they can stop increase prices.

We need to borrow money from the rich in Haiti and other outside lending institutions to do so. We need through a solid partnership to engage all Haiti's lenders into our educational school system to foster education in Haiti.

All Haiti's universities should be untegrated inside Haiti University System with both the private lending institutions (loans) and the state (financial aid/grants) to promote education in Haiti...

The great state of Haiti can do that and we can be respected again.

Central government is good, but this globalized economic world with G8 and G20 will not let you do it. That is why they keep targeting North Korea and Iran and before it was Chavez.

The latter backed down under Castro and Lula's advices and they leave Venezuela alone.

Haiti, please be smart in the days ahead to reclaim your fair share of the world economic market.

They already stole your wealth and one way to claim your share is to borrow money from them and use good governance through accountability to be respected again.

Please reply and throw out ideas.

Do not insult anyone and we can learn from each other.

If I say something that does not please you, just show why and I will try to make myself clear.

I am not a democrat and nor a republican, both are brainwashers and they know how to grab the world economic resources for themselves.

In this equation, I want Haiti to be smart and use other models to lift our country from poverty.

All I know is this I know nothing and I want to hear and learn from you...

S. Anonymous, November 23 2010, 7:13 PM

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