Les douanes

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According to Haiti's custom General Director there is net increase of revenue as a result of recent measures taken to ensure that every importator pays their custom bills.

Bravo! But there is a lot more that needs to be done. to make this institution 85% fraud proof.

Contrary to some legislators, the attorney general should charge anyone indistinctively that wants to cheat the state.

Again this endeavor requires a lot of transparency in order to guarentee the buy-in of the population.

The governement needs to demonstrate that the extra revunes collected do not end up in Swiss bank account but was used to build school, health clinic, carbage collection ect, ect...

There is hope if the current stability is maintained and there is consistency on the part of the government.

But more importantly, there continuity beyond this present administration.

Then Haiti will peharps finally see the dawn of a new era.



Frantz, September 7 2007, 4:15 PM

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