Haitianism verse Renascentism Politics Aspect

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Voila, I am proud of being Haitian regardless the proportion of American mutation which is occurred scientifically after 30 year into environment, nevertheless, I 'm an African Haitian American (AHA), or high breed person in sense.

Let us talks about Haitian politicians verse the art of delicate, but not so much of the fundamental questions about Haiti Constitution itself.

What happen to Haiti?

And my second question would be involves on the political theory on which Haiti constitution and the entire Haitian political system which is absolute will not totally at rest.

Before we addressing this issue, let us again reviewed the Haitian politicians systemic purposive approach which is the number 7th of structuralism believes of the people which I think is probably more then a text itself.

On term of phonological complexity of morphology Haitian philosophical approach probably one of major aspect of reason why we are behaves such way. This complex question seem to be problematical to answer on a simple episodic whether some Haitian politicians hear logically then acting illogically
On term of, Haiti it is at stage, then Haitian politician are the players it seem to me it's pretty much obvious.

What happen to Haitian people?

In fact, the idea of interpretation communication ideology has certainly on some sort off diffusion with their reality.

What seem to be important on term of intellectual selection?

Would that be to pursuing a methods based on responsibly or irresponsibly choices?

Or just may be, may be it would have been wonderful if, all intellectual where focus on same common dominators on term of change that would have been an ideal based upon understanding what happen when Haitian infuse themselves into other system what happen to the result.

Basically, that told us in fact some Haitian politician for example: probably the caused of the main reason why it is so important to redesign the Haitian developmentalism entire political aspect.

Jean F Moise, October 4 2007, 11:59 AM

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