Flo, You know I am canadian and half french actually. It's ok...

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Reply to Msg 3939


You know I am canadian and half french actually.

It's ok to be apprehensive on certain matters.

It's also very much OK to ever want Haiti to be a free nation with nobody else then Haitians to lead it to dignity and respect.

Do not discriminate people like you do! It's not right.

Black people have discriminated and still enough, but I don't think it's the right way to do things.

Claim, demand, require, ask, summon if you want too but on clear, honest and respectful way!

Here are some articles from the Universal human rights declarations:

Article 2

1.Chacun peut se prévaloir de tous les droits et de toutes les libertés proclamés dans la présente Déclaration, sans distinction aucune, notamment de race, de couleur, de sexe, de langue, de religion, d'opinion politique ou de toute autre opinion, d'origine nationale ou sociale, de fortune, de naissance ou de toute autre situation.

2. De plus, il ne sera fait aucune distinction fondée sur le statut politique, juridique ou international du pays ou du territoire dont une personne est ressortissante, que ce pays ou territoire soit indépendant, sous tutelle, non autonome ou soumis à une limitation quelconque de souveraineté.


2.Dans l'exercice de ses droits et dans la jouissance de ses libertés, chacun n'est soumis qu'aux limitations établies par la loi exclusivement en vue d'assurer la reconnaissance et le respect des droits et libertés d'autrui et afin de satisfaire aux justes exigences de la morale, de l'ordre public et du bien-être général dans une société démocratique.

You are a very smart woman, full of good intentions, keep it real!

Alain, October 8 2007, 5:27 PM

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Tisk tisk Flo...that wasn't very nice. Franciose, most blogs are exactly like this one. Different people pop in and... read more >
Linda, 7-Oct-07 2:21 pm
Hola Linda: What do you mean by nice? Civil perhaps! Lets analize her words: "je tiens" = demand, "vraie blog"= not... read more >
Flo, 8-Oct-07 11:42 am
Flo, You know I am canadian and half french actually. It's ok to be apprehensive on certain matters. It's also very... read more >
Alain, 8-Oct-07 5:27 pm
No problems with Canadians. I have a few Canadian cousins in Quebec. But please do not mention the French part when... read more >
Flo, 8-Oct-07 6:36 pm
Perhaps you should email it to President Sarkozy in France! read more >
Flo, 8-Oct-07 6:49 pm
Tell me are you Francoise? know this: France's immigrant population has diverse origins. However, France is a country... read more >
Thats For You Alain, 9-Oct-07 12:37 am
Djakut, 9-Oct-07 7:02 pm
I'm right here with you guys, but I haven't had time to look at much of what's been posted now that school started... read more >
Linda, 9-Oct-07 8:25 pm
First let me tell you that I am canadian. Born from a French Father and French Canadian Mother. For the record I am a... read more >
Alain, 9-Oct-07 9:12 pm
Believe me Linda I am pretty calm. But I am also a very direct person. I say things like they are are my words will... read more >
Alain, 9-Oct-07 9:28 pm
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