Exposé on Christianity!Read this about Trinity!

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Reply to Msg 4113

The current mainstream teaching in Christianity is that God is a one-substance trinity, and that Jesus Christ is God. The historical record is overwhelming that the church of the first three centuries did not worship God as a CO-EQUAL, CO-ETERNAL, a ONE-SUBSTANCE three in one mysterious godhead.

The early church worshipped ONE GOD and believed in a subordinate SON. (We are all sons and daughters of God).

The TRINITY originated with Babylon, and was passed on to most of the world's religions.

This polytheistic (believing in more than one god) trinity was intertwined with Greek religion and philosophy and slowly worked its way into CHRISTIAN thought and creeds some 300 YEARS AFTER CHRIST.

The trinity is a DEVIATION from believing in one God; it is also a deviation from what the EARLY CHURCH TAUGHT, and is a deviation from the scripture.

The council of Nicea 325 said that "Jesus Christ is God," the council of Constantinople 381 said that "the Holy Spirit is God" The council of Chalcedon 451 said that "Jesus Christ is both man and God." The modern doctrine of the Trinity is not found in any document or relic belonging to the Church of the first THREE CENTURIES.

Numbers 23:19 states that God is not a MAN. God was not BORN, and God certainly did not DIE, but when people deviate from what the Bible teaches, they can come up with the bizarre complexities of "Trinitarian" religious mysteries that contradict logic, common sense and God's Word.

The word TRINITY is not found in the Bible.

It did not find a place formally in the theology of the church until the 4th century.

People who are using the King James Version of the bible might be inclined to point to I John 5:7 'For there are three that bear record in heaven, the Father, the Word and the Holy Ghost' But it is now generally recognized that "this verse does not belong to the original text of the letter; it is a "LATER INSERTION" European men changed "the Son of God" " to God the Son." BEWARE OF THEOLOGY DOUBLE-TALK.

Separate God from religion! And do not forget the good works done by Jesus.

Legba, October 14 2007, 3:44 PM

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