retour avec la corvee 1915 pour nettoyer haiti

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Reply to Msg 427

My friend ur suggestions sound so good, I say that in a countless time that, need such thing to rebuild the country.

I think to make this more efficient, the departement of education MUST include that in our education system, where, it has to be required that each student regardless your background/socio status to give 6 days/year of community service to help the country, and this law has to be enforced, if we do that in less 10 than years haiti will be like rep. dominican.

Instead of waiting for ONG, and the international to clean our own trash I think it is time for the governement to focus in those things, This is a shame to see, the brasilian, argentinian peruvian coming in the street of p-a-p to clean our fatra, what happen to our youth, universitaires, where is the (grinn nan bounda), who was fighting to send aristide away, this same group shoud prove the world they can do better by fighting the trash in street of p-a-p if they do that the world will respect haitian everywhere.

This is what haiti needs now from its children, where is k-plume, danny toussaint, serge gilles.

Manigat, pasteur mesadieu, pasteur jeune, Guy Philip, Chambin, Rebel des gonaives, l'armee demobilisee, As all those guys who claims they love haiti and tried to become president!!! Why they do not launch acaimpaign to mololise thier fanatic to fight trash in P-a-p, gonaives, cap-haitien, hinche, cayes, st marc, jeremie, jakmel, port de paix ect...

Why, when they want to dechouke some one you see more that half millions strong in the street, but when it come to good thing for the country such as clean up, and other good and positive things, all of them hide including students, politician.

that is why I was for Corvee IN 1915, imposed by the US troop in haiti.c'est quoi la corvee?

la corve etait une loi haitienne forcant au paysans de fournir 6 jours de travail par an pour entretenir les routes.

charlemage peralte etait contre cette loi, Eh Bien! si cette loi etait en vigueur en haiti jus'qu'a present haiti sera plus loin.

la question a poser, a qui appartient la route?

au haitien! qui va construire la route pour nous?

francais?, chinois?, american?, brasilian?

non!!! ce n'est pas leur travail, c'est notre travail, nous les (haitiens) de construire la route, avec peu de moyen que nous avons nettoyer, creuser, planter, semer, eduquer surveiller, proteger, pour fleurir notre cherie haiti, et c'est pourqoui nous avons sur le sol haitien au jourd' UN. si les gangs armee etait intelligent ils diront c'est trop!!!! deposer les armes car nous sommes freres haitiens, car s'il n'y a pas de kidnaping, ou bataille armee entre haitiens je te le garentisses les troupes onusienns seront partis longtemps, mais nous refusions de faire preuve de notre grandeur d'hommes.

nous, haitiens, nous refusons de faire notre devoir, c'est pourquoi les autres nations nous pietinent, nous traitent comme des betes sauvages partout la ou nous sommes.


nous n'avons pas la capacite d'utiliser notre intelligence pour developper notre pays.
oui, c'est vrai nous avons besoins du konbit en haiti, mais le gov. doit donner des direction en ce sense

Ben B.

Ben B., October 25 2006, 6:39 PM

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My friend ur suggestions sound so good, I say that in a countless time that, need such thing to rebuild the country.I... read more >
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