summary of economic ideas for haiti

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*****SUMMARY OF ECONOMIC IDEAS FOR HAITI***** If I inadvertently omitted anything crucial please feel free to add to this very important discussion for HAITI!

***FROM: FLO***
"Aquaculture is one solution! Haiti needs a broad program on education, health care, true economic and environmental sustainability, that would lead to real advances in its quality of life. Haiti can use its natural resources such as minerals, agriculture,and waters rich in seafood.

One area of potential solutions is a well designed and implemented aquaculture industry Which would create a Massive amount of jobs, export markets, and trade in hard foreign currency."

please feel free to add to this very important discussion for HAITI!

***FROM: FLO***
"Aquaculture is one solution! Haiti needs a broad program on education, health care, true economic and environmental sustainability, that would lead to real advances in its quality of life. Haiti can use its natural resources such as minerals, agriculture,and waters rich in seafood.

One area of potential solutions is a well designed and implemented aquaculture industry Which would create a Massive amount of jobs, export markets, and trade in hard foreign currency."

"why do you want to discuss Chinese economy for?

It is the second world prosperous and faster economy, but is not though a good model to use as a module for developing nations due to the surplus of its supplies which fluctuates the stability of the market.

The success of its economy is based on the human qualitative resources availability and technology efficiency.Any nation which posses those two essential tools will be able to compete successfully and have a good lucrative share from the economical business of the world.

Although I don't know exactly what you want to discuss about Chinese economy, therefore I have to pause here.
"furthermore, the economy model that should be used for Haiti ought to be taken from the context of its actual human resources first, then on the currency of its gross national products, and finally by the availability of the energy efficiency ( cutting-edge technology) which is the most important factor that will guaranty its success.

The Chinese economy system is good, but not good enough to use it as a model for Haiti, because, although it meets all the requirements above-mentioned, its key success depends on the exploitation of the uneducated mass population.

That' why most of the western manufacturers, European manufacturers move to China.

Since we are living now in a global economy ( fair trade globalization), the Haitian government, like never before, needs to put more emphasis on education, investing in high education for the future scientific innovation of a prosperous Haiti.

This economic concept will take thirty years to be implemented by developing its own economic and adaptive pattern to avoid becoming the prey of exploitation to those nations who are already ahead of the capital game.
The Haitian currency, so to speak, needs to be reevaluated to be comparable to the actual cost of living.

The devaluation of Chinese YUAN increases financial growth for the minority by hurting the livelihood of the majority.

"First, I would dichotomize and privatize Ed'H. Second I would renegotiate wireless carrier contracts: Total revenues = 60 to 80 millions.Then I would use about $20millions to embark on a massive reforestation and soil replenishment.

Then I would use the rest to set in motion (GSPARE) Government Spending Policies for Anticipated Return Economics.

1. I would bump up the real estate market: government loan guarantee to private banks that agree to finance modern real estate development in all major cities with capital recovery less than five years.

2. I would open three branches of the National Bank of Haiti here in the US and North America
3. I would start buying short term US Bonds
4. I would buy land back from the peasants
5. I would provide government loan guarantee to banks that agree to finance retirement communities and nursing homes in provincial cities with capital recovery less than ten years
6. I would fully develop the cabotage system where sea ports are usable
7. I would refinance and professionalize the fishing industry (lots of cash in seafood)
8. I would elevate the sports - build nine Olympic gymnasiums around the country - a big job creator
9. By then state of Haiti's revenues would surpass 200 billions of gourdes, then I would start building the education system at the top - the university campuses for engineering, technology, and science
10. Then a railroad that links Cayes to Jacmel
11. Then I would organize yearly contests of all aspects of Haitian life: music, sports, theater, literature, cinema, dance, folklore.That's how you find talented people in the general population.

12. I would begin to rebuild the government buildings and convention centers
13. I would begin to require foreign nation embassies in all major cities
14. I would start asking regional organization to host whatever in Haiti.

15. Well, I have a dream
"It's called GSPARE." "Since the inception of the UN many experts have published methods, models and plans to turn Haiti's economy around.But what the Haitians quickly realized is that UN & International donors really have no intention to pump any real capital into the Haitian economy so by now I have come to the conclusion we need to raise the money ourselves.

China is wealthy in natural resources; not the case for Haiti.

I suggest privatizing Ed'H and renegotiating some of the wireless contracts to get some cash in and follow GSPARE (Government Spending Policies for Anticipated Return Economics) - pretty much what the FDR administration implemented with the new deal in 1937. GSPARE means spend tax money where and only where there is short capital recovery.

In common terms, the government of Haiti should invest its tax money not just spend it."
"There is more than meet the eye when it comes to the dynamics of economic activities in a society.

There is a good reason cash or liquidity was invented." We can make 1million gourdes generate 2millions gourdes and make 2millions gourdes generate 4millions and so forth."
"I said and I can build wealth with the few tax money that the Haitian treasury collected: First of all, not all tax revenues are income tax; we also have import duties in Haiti, we also have excise taxes in Haiti, we have territorial taxes (real estate properties taxes).


and so forth.

Secondly, what is money?

Is money same as capital?

Why do we have paper money to begin with in a society?

Why do we have inflation, recession?

If you understand those concepts, you do know how to build wealth in a society." "When King Henry Christophe committed suicide in 1820, there were 11 millions British pounds in the royal treasury in Cap-Haitien.How did he build some much wealth in so little time when he inherited a devasted country with just about everyone unemployed." "All the Diaspora poor or rich that send money to Haiti pay taxes, all the Diaspora poor or rich that send goods to Haiti pay taxes, all the Diaspora poor or rich that travel to Haiti pay taxes, all poor or rich Haitians that wish to have the state of Haiti recognize his/her piece of land or cinder-block shelters pay taxes, all Haitians rich or poor that purchase recipisse from Contribution pay taxes, all Haitians that now have a cellphone pay taxes, (now you know Digicel is pumping millions of gourdes into the Haitian treasury, yes millions of gourdes - and this is from a small group.????), all young Haitians that obtain his/her Baccalaureat certificate pay taxes" "Suggesting that the Haitian elite is the one financing the Haitian treasury is misinformation" "these are my last comments on this topic" "Hi, fellow conpatriotes If you get hired and make it to top salary, do not forget the homeland (beloved Haiti).

Make some donation to newvisionhaiti/bopiho or some other organizations; start a business in Haiti; join Organizations that are useful; buy made in Haiti; when traveling to Haiti stay in Hotels; read Haitian books & subscribe to Haitian magazines; just participate.

"Glad to hear about your hands-on experience with the economy.

We are not familiar with any of the plans you have mentioned so far. We never heard of them! Can you share with us one of these plans you talked about in your last post?

Would you please elaborate on your concept of spending tax dollars by the government to boost the economy and come up with some practical example...How this Keynesian principle of fiscal policy would work in a country like ours?

What the government, the private sector, and the people can do to make this theory bear lasting results?

I like the fact that you used Henry Christophe as an example of a leader who accomplished so much from scratch." would you, please, come up with some strategies he used so our leaders and us can apply them to the present economic condition."
"Since we don't know the Chinese economic model well, it would be nice to tell us about it. all I know from China is this:a- They have purposely devaluate their currency which benefit them a great deal; a devalued currency makes import from EU, USA and the third world nations very expensive.

"so Chinese people will not export from them! and if they do they copy excatly what is imported w/o regard for patents, or intellectual properties.That is piracy to the highest level! I mean It costs too much to import from other country, and it costs way less to export.

Despite of international demand to make their currency stronger, the Chinese government has no interest of doing so. That is one of the reason the trade deficit between china and US particularly is so huge and keeps growing larger.

b- Cheap labor- That alone attracts capitalist investors looking for maximum profit! Ironically that is a new way for the capitalist nations to exploit the Chinese people.

China is a communist country.Ironically, the communists who fought to stop the exploitation of the masses by the capitalists, accept these capitalists to exploit their citizens with no mercy.

We can say that china has a communist system of government with a capitalist economy! They successfully integrate the capitalist approach in their communist lives and it works!
c-Environment laws are less stringent in China.The big companies, the polluters left Europe and the US for China! Longtime ago, when I first arrived here in the US, you can go almost every where and get a factory job. Now they all moved to China! d-Chinese products cost less to buy, but they do not have good quality.

c-They do business with every body, any nation.They do not isolate themselves from the rest of the world.Now, which one of these elements should we integrate in our economy: cheap labor, communism, piracy, devalued currency, international cooperation, environmental concerns?

"The concept of an economic MODEL itself is problematic.

Maybe a model is not what we should be looking for. These nations that have what we now call models did not have so called models when they started their economic rise.What are now called models were just various things that were institutionalized because they worked for each particular nation at the particular times needed.

We Haitians need to just find what works for us and in the long run we too will be labeled for having a great economic model.

"When you have a consensus from a group of intelligent people working on a problem, chances are the solution will be a good one. Here's a quote for you from article that I read: I capitalized the sections that I thought were key: "China's success since it began its transition to a market economy has been based on ADAPTABLE strategies and policies: AS EACH SET OF PROBLEMS ARE SOLVED, NEW PROBLEMS ARISE, FOR WHICH NEW POLICIES AND STRATEGIES MUST BE DEVISED.This process includes SOCIAL INNOVATION." Foreigners will never find our solutions for us unless it is in their own best interest to do so. However, usually when it is in their best interest it is not in ours. "Furthermore, and most importantly, solutions generated by foreigners a more likely to fail because they have no true understanding of how the Haitian mind works."Knowledge of the intricacies of a nation's superstructure (their deep cultural beliefs) is fundamental to understanding what will or will not work in any country."When I said "intelligent people" "I meant Haitians of different educational background who can come up with concrete solutions."
For a country like Haiti, that means seriously thinking out of the box.""However, from this post, I noticed something about GSPARE that left me perplexed.

Maybe you could help me to understand.

Correct me if I am wrong, but you said that you (GSPARE) would create revenue by reinvesting tax dollars.

I get how that might work for many nations, but doesn't Haiti's unemployment rate and overall poverty make that impossible?

I could be very wrong about this, but from what I understand, in Haiti about 85 percent of the population is either unemployed or employed at salaries that are not really taxable.

If that's correct, please tell me where will your tax dollars come from?" "however, I can say that since my expertise is not on the economy, I am sure that you know more about it than I do. However, it seems to me that although you know a lot about the economy, your plan still has that exact flaw that I pointed out in my last post. Your revenues all come from the very small elite group, and that is problematic.You said: "I can build wealth with the few tax money that the Haitian treasury collected: First of all, not all tax revenues are income tax; we also have import duties in Haiti, we also have excise taxes in Haiti, we have territorial taxes (real estate properties taxes).

.""Correct me if I'm wrong, but it doesn't take an economic genius to figure out that since taxes had scarcely been collected in the past in Haiti, the tax revenues in the coffers right now are minimal.""If that is so, it cannot be considered as asset but as capital because most of it is needed to pay government workers and to begin to fix the country's infrastructure.""So it would really be new taxes that would help. The new taxes that you would be pulling would be minimal since your property, territorial, and import taxes are still generated from less than 10% of your population.

In order to make that small population's tax dollars mean something, you would have to raise it beyond anything that that small group would find acceptable.Hence, we are back to my point that unless you find an answer for this part of your plan, it cannot work without creating a new and positively lethal problem.""So, if your plan can generate wealth while generating overall growth for the whole population, without overburdening one group or another, than it's a great plan.Otherwise, it's back to the drawing board."


FROM:Claire Duval
Duel citizenship/double nationality/I am waiting for this subject to be determined.

Most of the countries have it including our neighbor.

Haiti toujour nan tintin.

It is a great source of revenues for Haiti.Let's go.


FROM:Landrin Adams Michel Steve Ernso
Nous, les collégiens de « le normalien » du nouveau secondaire vous saluons.

Nous vous prions d'éviter de construire une négligence a ne pas lire cette lettre, car de la dérive la racine de la croissance de notre inspiration sociale.

La raison de cette missive est que, nous nous envahit d'anxiété, vue la structure du pays au point de vue éducatif, économique et sécuritaire.Lorsque nous observons les enfants de notre patrie c'est-à-dire nos frère sans possibilité de s'instruire a cause de faible moyens économique de leur parents on demande pourquoi on vit et eux ils essaient de survivre car nous voulons juste une balance équilibrer.Il faut bien que vous essayer de semer de la volonté individuelle, notre désire est de vous aider a bâtir par notre émotion, la sécurité pour s' notre cote ce n'est pas une question d'ordre, mais simplement une estimation d'opinion.On pense que avec des orphelinats et plus d'écoles le taux d'enfants de rue diminuerais, et cette nouvelle génération réclame plus d'université pour nos brillant jeunes.Nous aimerons que vous prenez des « mesures » supplémentaire pour compenser la discrimination exerce dans le passe dans des domaines de l'éducation du travail de la promotion etc....

a l'encontre des femmes de groupe raciaux, ethnique, religieux ou de handicapes car oui ! Nous savons que vous être capable alors ce qui se trouve sur votre route n'est pas au delà de votre force nous vous remercions.Nous sommes cinq patriotes et voici nos E-mail :
fleuristilmarc at
adoumik at
soulop2007 at
stevefred2007 at
ernsoray123 at
Collège le normalien


"As for Haiti, a Mao kind of plan to teach our population to read and write would solve our illiteracy problem in less than 2 years.However, instead of Cadres we could simply use some of Rubens Titus's tax dollars to create programs were senior year high school students and freshman college students would be organized to, like the Cadres did, teach basic reading and writing to each household from P-au-P and from Cap to the sea. It could be offered as a program were the government pays for your last school year or your first college year if you spent X amount of hours teaching others to write.This would need to be tightly monitored, but mostly you would have to get the whole population pumped up about it--this is called teaching civic duty. In the past Haiti used to have a little book that all students got from school, which taught them about civic duty. "these programs should be followed by a program that was used successfully in many places called "each one teach one." This is were the person that is being taught to read signs a contract stating that they in turn will teach X amount of other people in their area."Again, this reduces cost while teaching civic duty, helps people to grasp the concept of "one nation," and begins to eradicate that selfish tendency that Haitians seem to have.Anyway, something like that might work."I'm pretty sure someone else could either add to this plan or come up with an even better one. There are endless creative ways to fix the problem of illiteracy."

" give money to FONKOZE which is a reputable charity organization with 32 branches in Haiti." "Preval can start a birth control program that would distribute fertility control patches to poor women." "He needs to put in jail all those irresponsible men who are not paying child support" "Haiti do not need all those ambassadors and their staff around the world, while it cannot feed its own children."Recall all those people" "There should be one large immigration office in Haiti to process the paper work for all who wish to travel and immigrate elsewhere."stop selling the future of Haiti piece by piece to foreigners through your contracts."Where are the garbage processing plants?"Where are the water desalinization plants?"No electricity either! why can't you start some kind of solar energy program?"Why can't you move all those inhabitants of City Soleil to the country side and create jobs for all those energetic young men?

You can use that land to expand the airport." "Create a welfare system for destitute mothers with children, create a social security retirement system for the elderly."

FROM: Robert P. Toussain
"Me basant sur les rapports des geologues haitien qui affirment que notre pays detient dans son sous sol et dans nos eaux territoriales cinq fois les reserves en oil de Venezuela ! ! ! ! Si ces donnees sont accurates je me demande pourquoi notre pays n'investi pas dans l'exploitation de cette source d'energie.

Nous perdons du temps pendant que nos voisins se deplacent a grandes enjambees."Les idees ne me manquent pas, la question est de les faire accepter et mettre en application."

"why do you want to discuss Chinese economy for?

It is the second world prosperous and faster economy, but is not though a good model to use as a module for developing nations due to the surplus of its supplies which fluctuates the stability of the market.

The success of its economy is based on the human qualitative resources availability and technology efficiency.Any nation which posses those two essential tools will be able to compete successfully and have a good lucrative share from the economical business of the world.

Although I don't know exactly what you want to discuss about Chinese economy, therefore I have to pause here.
"furthermore, the economy model that should be used for Haiti ought to be taken from the context of its actual human resources first, then on the currency of its gross national products, and finally by the availability of the energy efficiency ( cutting-edge technology) which is the most important factor that will guaranty its success.

The Chinese economy system is good, but not good enough to use it as a model for Haiti, because, although it meets all the requirements above-mentioned, its key success depends on the exploitation of the uneducated mass population.

That' why most of the western manufacturers, European manufacturers move to China.

Since we are living now in a global economy ( fair trade globalization), the Haitian government, like never before, needs to put more emphasis on education, investing in high education for the future scientific innovation of a prosperous Haiti.

This economic concept will take thirty years to be implemented by developing its own economic and adaptive pattern to avoid becoming the prey of exploitation to those nations who are already ahead of the capital game.
The Haitian currency, so to speak, needs to be reevaluated to be comparable to the actual cost of living.

The devaluation of Chinese YUAN increases financial growth for the minority by hurting the livelihood of the majority.

"First, I would dichotomize and privatize Ed'H. Second I would renegotiate wireless carrier contracts: Total revenues = 60 to 80 millions.Then I would use about $20millions to embark on a massive reforestation and soil replenishment.

Then I would use the rest to set in motion (GSPARE) Government Spending Policies for Anticipated Return Economics.

1. I would bump up the real estate market: government loan guarantee to private banks that agree to finance modern real estate development in all major cities with capital recovery less than five years.

2. I would open three branches of the National Bank of Haiti here in the US and North America
3. I would start buying short term US Bonds
4. I would buy land back from the peasants
5. I would provide government loan guarantee to banks that agree to finance retirement communities and nursing homes in provincial cities with capital recovery less than ten years
6. I would fully develop the cabotage system where sea ports are usable
7. I would refinance and professionalize the fishing industry (lots of cash in seafood)
8. I would elevate the sports - build nine Olympic gymnasiums around the country - a big job creator
9. By then state of Haiti's revenues would surpass 200 billions of gourdes, then I would start building the education system at the top - the university campuses for engineering, technology, and science
10. Then a railroad that links Cayes to Jacmel
11. Then I would organize yearly contests of all aspects of Haitian life: music, sports, theater, literature, cinema, dance, folklore.That's how you find talented people in the general population.

12. I would begin to rebuild the government buildings and convention centers
13. I would begin to require foreign nation embassies in all major cities
14. I would start asking regional organization to host whatever in Haiti.

15. Well, I have a dream
"It's called GSPARE." "Since the inception of the UN many experts have published methods, models and plans to turn Haiti's economy around.But what the Haitians quickly realized is that UN & International donors really have no intention to pump any real capital into the Haitian economy so by now I have come to the conclusion we need to raise the money ourselves.

China is wealthy in natural resources; not the case for Haiti.

I suggest privatizing Ed'H and renegotiating some of the wireless contracts to get some cash in and follow GSPARE (Government Spending Policies for Anticipated Return Economics) - pretty much what the FDR administration implemented with the new deal in 1937. GSPARE means spend tax money where and only where there is short capital recovery.

In common terms, the government of Haiti should invest its tax money not just spend it."
"There is more than meet the eye when it comes to the dynamics of economic activities in a society.

There is a good reason cash or liquidity was invented." We can make 1million gourdes generate 2millions gourdes and make 2millions gourdes generate 4millions and so forth."
"I said and I can build wealth with the few tax money that the Haitian treasury collected: First of all, not all tax revenues are income tax; we also have import duties in Haiti, we also have excise taxes in Haiti, we have territorial taxes (real estate properties taxes).


and so forth.

Secondly, what is money?

Is money same as capital?

Why do we have paper money to begin with in a society?

Why do we have inflation, recession?

If you understand those concepts, you do know how to build wealth in a society." "When King Henry Christophe committed suicide in 1820, there were 11 millions British pounds in the royal treasury in Cap-Haitien.How did he build some much wealth in so little time when he inherited a devasted country with just about everyone unemployed." "All the Diaspora poor or rich that send money to Haiti pay taxes, all the Diaspora poor or rich that send goods to Haiti pay taxes, all the Diaspora poor or rich that travel to Haiti pay taxes, all poor or rich Haitians that wish to have the state of Haiti recognize his/her piece of land or cinder-block shelters pay taxes, all Haitians rich or poor that purchase recipisse from Contribution pay taxes, all Haitians that now have a cellphone pay taxes, (now you know Digicel is pumping millions of gourdes into the Haitian treasury, yes millions of gourdes - and this is from a small group.????), all young Haitians that obtain his/her Baccalaureat certificate pay taxes" "Suggesting that the Haitian elite is the one financing the Haitian treasury is misinformation" "these are my last comments on this topic" "Hi, fellow conpatriotes If you get hired and make it to top salary, do not forget the homeland (beloved Haiti).

Make some donation to newvisionhaiti/bopiho or some other organizations; start a business in Haiti; join Organizations that are useful; buy made in Haiti; when traveling to Haiti stay in Hotels; read Haitian books & subscribe to Haitian magazines; just participate.

"Glad to hear about your hands-on experience with the economy.

We are not familiar with any of the plans you have mentioned so far. We never heard of them! Can you share with us one of these plans you talked about in your last post?

Would you please elaborate on your concept of spending tax dollars by the government to boost the economy and come up with some practical example...How this Keynesian principle of fiscal policy would work in a country like ours?

What the government, the private sector, and the people can do to make this theory bear lasting results?

I like the fact that you used Henry Christophe as an example of a leader who accomplished so much from scratch." would you, please, come up with some strategies he used so our leaders and us can apply them to the present economic condition."
"Since we don't know the Chinese economic model well, it would be nice to tell us about it. all I know from China is this:a- They have purposely devaluate their currency which benefit them a great deal; a devalued currency makes import from EU, USA and the third world nations very expensive.

"so Chinese people will not export from them! and if they do they copy excatly what is imported w/o regard for patents, or intellectual properties.That is piracy to the highest level! I mean It costs too much to import from other country, and it costs way less to export.

Despite of international demand to make their currency stronger, the Chinese government has no interest of doing so. That is one of the reason the trade deficit between china and US particularly is so huge and keeps growing larger.

b- Cheap labor- That alone attracts capitalist investors looking for maximum profit! Ironically that is a new way for the capitalist nations to exploit the Chinese people.

China is a communist country.Ironically, the communists who fought to stop the exploitation of the masses by the capitalists, accept these capitalists to exploit their citizens with no mercy.

We can say that china has a communist system of government with a capitalist economy! They successfully integrate the capitalist approach in their communist lives and it works!
c-Environment laws are less stringent in China.The big companies, the polluters left Europe and the US for China! Longtime ago, when I first arrived here in the US, you can go almost every where and get a factory job. Now they all moved to China! d-Chinese products cost less to buy, but they do not have good quality.

c-They do business with every body, any nation.They do not isolate themselves from the rest of the world.Now, which one of these elements should we integrate in our economy: cheap labor, communism, piracy, devalued currency, international cooperation, environmental concerns?

"The concept of an economic MODEL itself is problematic.

Maybe a model is not what we should be looking for. These nations that have what we now call models did not have so called models when they started their economic rise.What are now called models were just various things that were institutionalized because they worked for each particular nation at the particular times needed.

We Haitians need to just find what works for us and in the long run we too will be labeled for having a great economic model.

"When you have a consensus from a group of intelligent people working on a problem, chances are the solution will be a good one. Here's a quote for you from article that I read: I capitalized the sections that I thought were key: "China's success since it began its transition to a market economy has been based on ADAPTABLE strategies and policies: AS EACH SET OF PROBLEMS ARE SOLVED, NEW PROBLEMS ARISE, FOR WHICH NEW POLICIES AND STRATEGIES MUST BE DEVISED.This process includes SOCIAL INNOVATION." Foreigners will never find our solutions for us unless it is in their own best interest to do so. However, usually when it is in their best interest it is not in ours. "Furthermore, and most importantly, solutions generated by foreigners a more likely to fail because they have no true understanding of how the Haitian mind works."Knowledge of the intricacies of a nation's superstructure (their deep cultural beliefs) is fundamental to understanding what will or will not work in any country."When I said "intelligent people" "I meant Haitians of different educational background who can come up with concrete solutions."
For a country like Haiti, that means seriously thinking out of the box.""However, from this post, I noticed something about GSPARE that left me perplexed.

Maybe you could help me to understand.

Correct me if I am wrong, but you said that you (GSPARE) would create revenue by reinvesting tax dollars.

I get how that might work for many nations, but doesn't Haiti's unemployment rate and overall poverty make that impossible?

I could be very wrong about this, but from what I understand, in Haiti about 85 percent of the population is either unemployed or employed at salaries that are not really taxable.

If that's correct, please tell me where will your tax dollars come from?" "however, I can say that since my expertise is not on the economy, I am sure that you know more about it than I do. However, it seems to me that although you know a lot about the economy, your plan still has that exact flaw that I pointed out in my last post. Your revenues all come from the very small elite group, and that is problematic.You said: "I can build wealth with the few tax money that the Haitian treasury collected: First of all, not all tax revenues are income tax; we also have import duties in Haiti, we also have excise taxes in Haiti, we have territorial taxes (real estate properties taxes).

.""Correct me if I'm wrong, but it doesn't take an economic genius to figure out that since taxes had scarcely been collected in the past in Haiti, the tax revenues in the coffers right now are minimal.""If that is so, it cannot be considered as asset but as capital because most of it is needed to pay government workers and to begin to fix the country's infrastructure.""So it would really be new taxes that would help. The new taxes that you would be pulling would be minimal since your property, territorial, and import taxes are still generated from less than 10% of your population.

In order to make that small population's tax dollars mean something, you would have to raise it beyond anything that that small group would find acceptable.Hence, we are back to my point that unless you find an answer for this part of your plan, it cannot work without creating a new and positively lethal problem.""So, if your plan can generate wealth while generating overall growth for the whole population, without overburdening one group or another, than it's a great plan.Otherwise, it's back to the drawing board."


FROM:Claire Duval
Duel citizenship/double nationality/I am waiting for this subject to be determined.

Most of the countries have it including our neighbor.

Haiti toujour nan tintin.

It is a great source of revenues for Haiti.Let's go.


FROM:Landrin Adams Michel Steve Ernso
Nous, les collégiens de « le normalien » du nouveau secondaire vous saluons.

Nous vous prions d'éviter de construire une négligence a ne pas lire cette lettre, car de la dérive la racine de la croissance de notre inspiration sociale.

La raison de cette missive est que, nous nous envahit d'anxiété, vue la structure du pays au point de vue éducatif, économique et sécuritaire.Lorsque nous observons les enfants de notre patrie c'est-à-dire nos frère sans possibilité de s'instruire a cause de faible moyens économique de leur parents on demande pourquoi on vit et eux ils essaient de survivre car nous voulons juste une balance équilibrer.Il faut bien que vous essayer de semer de la volonté individuelle, notre désire est de vous aider a bâtir par notre émotion, la sécurité pour s' notre cote ce n'est pas une question d'ordre, mais simplement une estimation d'opinion.On pense que avec des orphelinats et plus d'écoles le taux d'enfants de rue diminuerais, et cette nouvelle génération réclame plus d'université pour nos brillant jeunes.Nous aimerons que vous prenez des « mesures » supplémentaire pour compenser la discrimination exerce dans le passe dans des domaines de l'éducation du travail de la promotion etc....

a l'encontre des femmes de groupe raciaux, ethnique, religieux ou de handicapes car oui ! Nous savons que vous être capable alors ce qui se trouve sur votre route n'est pas au delà de votre force nous vous remercions.Nous sommes cinq patriotes et voici nos E-mail :
fleuristilmarc at
adoumik at
soulop2007 at
stevefred2007 at
ernsoray123 at
Collège le normalien


"As for Haiti, a Mao kind of plan to teach our population to read and write would solve our illiteracy problem in less than 2 years.However, instead of Cadres we could simply use some of Rubens Titus's tax dollars to create programs were senior year high school students and freshman college students would be organized to, like the Cadres did, teach basic reading and writing to each household from P-au-P and from Cap to the sea. It could be offered as a program were the government pays for your last school year or your first college year if you spent X amount of hours teaching others to write.This would need to be tightly monitored, but mostly you would have to get the whole population pumped up about it--this is called teaching civic duty. In the past Haiti used to have a little book that all students got from school, which taught them about civic duty. "these programs should be followed by a program that was used successfully in many places called "each one teach one." This is were the person that is being taught to read signs a contract stating that they in turn will teach X amount of other people in their area."Again, this reduces cost while teaching civic duty, helps people to grasp the concept of "one nation," and begins to eradicate that selfish tendency that Haitians seem to have.Anyway, something like that might work."I'm pretty sure someone else could either add to this plan or come up with an even better one. There are endless creative ways to fix the problem of illiteracy."

" give money to FONKOZE which is a reputable charity organization with 32 branches in Haiti." "Preval can start a birth control program that would distribute fertility control patches to poor women." "He needs to put in jail all those irresponsible men who are not paying child support" "Haiti do not need all those ambassadors and their staff around the world, while it cannot feed its own children."Recall all those people" "There should be one large immigration office in Haiti to process the paper work for all who wish to travel and immigrate elsewhere."stop selling the future of Haiti piece by piece to foreigners through your contracts."Where are the garbage processing plants?"Where are the water desalinization plants?"No electricity either! why can't you start some kind of solar energy program?"Why can't you move all those inhabitants of City Soleil to the country side and create jobs for all those energetic young men?

You can use that land to expand the airport." "Create a welfare system for destitute mothers with children, create a social security retirement system for the elderly."

Reposted By Flo, October 29 2007, 8:37 PM

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