Build expensive roads or fix seaports inner city

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Hi, Mr. President's main economic and political doctrine is that in order to jumpstart economic development there must roadways built throughout Haiti.

It's a doctrine that I refute and that I reject.

1. The country needs a thorough transportation and communication systems that will foster economic exchanges therefore developments - not roadways alone.

2. A thorough transportation and communication systems mus be embedded in a national plan - it's not clear to any one what the national plan is.
3. A roadway is just one among many media of transportation - what about the seaports, the railroads, the sea ferry, the air transport.

4. You do not make assumptions on economic development, you do the multi-attribute analysis and let the numbers dictate what project is the most beneficial for a nation (Basically, the projects that create the most jobs and have the shortest capital recovery).

The analysis will probably show better seaports, more university campuses, more general hospitals ect...

seaports are open windows to the world.

Mr. President reveillez-vous.

Don't let them trap you into bogus projects of expensive roadways in the back country so that 10 peasants can bring 20 bags of potatoes downtown while 150000 young people cannot find enough unversity campuses around the country to get a professional education and consequently sink mother Haiti into deeper debts.

Yes you can

Rubens F. Titus, February 9 2008, 1:44 PM

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