population explosion in haiti

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Haiti cannot sustain such A large population.

Start tying the tubes of all those women who are over 30 years of age, and who already have 3 children.

Tie their tubes when they give birth at the hospitals.

Tie their tubes when they go into those clinics to have an abortion.

Since they do not have a job, then they should not be allowed to have more children.

Tie the tubes of the men who have more than 3 children regardless if its with one or three different women.

They are creating social problems with all those little mouths to feed. They are like a bunch of locusts who are ravaging the trees in the country side, and they are destroying our eco-system.

It appears that's all they do to entertain themselves: #$%!!!

Maleficent, February 25 2008, 1:31 AM

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