Poetry: IMAGINE A WOMAN and music to relax with

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Imagine a woman who believes it is right and good she is a woman.

A woman who honors her experience and tells her stories.

Who refuses to carry the sins of others within her body and life.
Imagine a woman who trusts and respects herself.

A woman who listens to her needs and desires.

Who meets them with tenderness and grace.

Imagine a woman who acknowledges the past's influence on the present.

A woman who has walked through her past.
Who has healed into the present.

Imagine a woman who authors her own life.
A woman who exerts, initiates, and moves on her own behalf.

Who refuses to surrender except to her truest self and wisest voice.

Imagine a woman who names her own GODS.
A woman who imagines the divine in her image and likeness.

Who designs a personal spirituality to inform her daily life.
Imagine a woman in love with her own body.
A woman who believes her body is enough, just as it is.
Who celebrates its rhythms and cycles as an exquisite resource.

Imagine a woman who honors the body of the Goddess in her changing body.
A woman who celebrates the accumulation of her years and her wisdom.

Who refuses to use her life-energy disguising the changes in her body and life.
Imagine a woman who values the women in her life.
A woman who sits in circles of women.

Who is reminded of the truth about herself when she forgets.

Imagine yourself as this woman.

The Ladies from the Lionne Club live by these rules.

Keiko Matsui

yanni-keys of imagination /(reflection of passion Greece)

romance /(Ottmar Liebert a German)

Ottmar Liebert-Barcelona NIghts & Spanish guitarrs- Calafia

For all the messieurs and Dames who thought we only listened to 'Rap'.

We have traveled enough to appreciate all kinds of music.

Lionne Club, March 27 2008, 6:49 PM

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Thank you for that wonderful site it is quite interesting. Finally one place we can read only positive things about... read more >
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It was so interesting I decide to share it again I hope that you do not mind. "Cliquez sur chaque nom pour images et... read more >
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Dear Lionne Club, Thank you for posting the "Imagine a Woman" poem on your blog... IMAGINE A WOMAN is celebrating its... read more >
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Thank you for posting the "Imagine a Woman" poem! This is special year for the Imagine a Woman Community. The poem is... read more >
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