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Why the Haitian Artists are not doing anything help Haiti given the major coveying influence they have on the people?

It is time they should actually start singing about what could motivate the Haitian masses gear toward new directions.

Artists can do so much fundraisers, promotions as well as Public Awareness activities that could regenerste the economy and much more the social problems of Haiti.

What are their roles, what are they really doing that is worth anything in Haiti's struggle?

(Go read more from my blog; here is the link and yes, no mater what, your comments, opinion and criticisms are greatly welcomed without any doubts.

I just ask for you all to keep them constructive, clean and with backing such as provide references and at a least conduct some kind of research about the topic before you place your posts)

I mean, they do not promote Haiti, they are not outspoken, they lack musical talent and aspiration themselves.

So I am not surprise.

Unlike how it used to be long ago, artists like Carole Demisme, TiCorn, Sidon Joseph, Master Dji and so much more that I can not even think of right now...

They used to sing and evoke feelings as well as call out for change.

Those artists back then stood up for something greater than themselves.

They had love and respect for country.

Now most of the artists we have nowadays are garbage and can not inspire nor are they worhty to represent Haiti in anything.

So when are the Haitian people going to ask for their demission since the cost of their Balls keep going up, not down. They only want to portray themselves as the rich elitist population in the eyes of their audience.

So, where does the start for any possible change actually do begin for Haiti, again many might still be asking? So, is there just "a chance" of possible change in Haiti or are there actually just too many possibilities that we have not yet to consider?

Hispanolanoyosoy, April 14 2008, 1:42 PM

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