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, A federal grand jury probe in Miami has led to 22 convictions of mostly Haitian drug traffickers, ex-police officers and a high-ranking politician close to Aristide.

Although the exiled former president is a main target of the ongoing investigation, he has not been charged.

The allegations against the ex-president come from numerous sources, but the evidence has not risen to a level to press a case against Aristide, say U.S. law enforcement officials, who have been hampered by a lack of financial records.

Still, The Miami Herald has learned from interviews with about 20 law enforcement officials, defense lawyers and others involved in the case that Aristide has been accused of being at the center of his country's narco-trafficking and money-laundering activities from 2001 to 2004.
5. Aristide's Stolen Millions: Jean-Bertrand Aristide's government illegally pumped at least $21 million of his country's meager public funds into private firms that existed only on paper.

$2.4 million went directly to charities tied to Aristide and his political party, allowing him to take credit for humanitarian works and strengthening his image as a champion of Haiti's poor. But the bulk of the money is still unaccounted for."Instead of contributing to the improvement of the people's living conditions.



the Aristide Foundation.



participated in the erosion and embezzlement of public funds,'' A 69-page report.

''Large sums are.



displaced from one enterprise to another, in order to blur the trail.



This chain of operations characterizes the laundering of money,'' the report said.The report was submitted to a judge in June as the first step in a possible prosecution of Aristide, who was elected in 2000 but was ousted by an armed rebellion last year. It was obtained by The Herald and authenticated by three people who have copies, including Petit, acting head of Lavalas Family, Aristide's political party.

Aristide has been under investigation for corruption in Haiti since his ouster.

Federal prosecutors in Miami also are looking into whether he took bribes from drug traffickers, The Herald has reported.

5. Officials also recognized that as a sitting head of state, Aristide enjoyed immunity from prosecution under well-established international legal doctrine.

But Aristide is now a civilian living the good luxurious life in Republic of South Africa.

Its time to have him prosecuted and make him return some of the millions of dollars to the mud cookies eating and starving people of Haiti.

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6. Haiti's interim government filed suit against former Haitian President Jean-Bertrand Aristide in Miami federal court, accusing him of stealing millions from the Haitian people.

"Aristide abused his power and deceived and betrayed the Haitian people by directing and participating in ongoing and fraudulent schemes,'' the 74-page civil lawsuit filed by several law firms hired by the government alleges.

" Click for full article:

Lazarus, April 23 2008, 2:13 AM

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