La Chambre des Deputes

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Qui aurait penser la chambre des deputes aurait prendre une telle decision vis a vis du choix D'Eric Piere?

Nous avons des hommes malintentionnes au sain du Parlement qui ne se donnent pas a penser a la situation qui prevaut dans le pays. Ils realisent meme pas q'en polique il faut parfois de flexibilite circumstancielle.

They reject the prime minister just to see what is going to happen to the people without a government.

They have almost absolutely no rational for that decision except the traditional demagie politic qu'ils ont aprise from the gerontocratic order.They don't even know when a nation is in peril therefore needs some urhent action to save it.

I am so sorry that Haiti should have men like those in power.

It is really sad. AS long as they have a jeep, some gaz and a driver and a pay check.

The hell with the people who voted for them. If the people rise again, I think they should go first after those so called deputes who rejected the designated prime minister.

Louinel Jean, May 14 2008, 5:19 PM

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