Here Is The Deal!

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MY OPINION: The PM Choice.

By Wilgeens "HispanolanoYoSoy" Rosenberg.

If many may have mistaken my investigative work, position or personal research of the Prime Ministers nominated by President Preval were biased, well, they could not have been far from the truth.

My criticisms are stem from the fact that the Haitian Senators and Deputies in Haiti are corrupted and are on a power trip as therein exists in Haiti today this power struggle that is quite unjustified given the current condition of the Country.

I could not care less if Haiti was being govern by millions of women as gender has nothing to do with my stances.

I simply pointed out the qualifications of those that were nominated before and the bogus reason that were given as to why they were not ratified.

Which is why I went on the offense to see what those Senators will now look at in terms as to what is deemed qualification and red flag to any other nominees.

I do not think much of a decision to ratify a Prime Minister has to predominantly be all on their personal lives such as even their sexuality, no...

I believe that there should have been already by now a choice so that Haiti can try to move forward from this current crisis and that with those senators and deputies only looking for their own interests both monetarily and career survival.

I remember I did say that maybe what Haiti needs now is a woman's touch.

Once she is ratified which she will, as a patriot, I will always rally up behind the choice and observe how things will go from there.

I am not going to be like most typical Haitian, bashing my native Country's Commander In Chief.

He has mandated term that I would like to him constitutionally finish as should by law good or bad if any and many may deem that he has been.

I say Pres. Preval should have ruled by now once again by decree as he reserves the right to do so when the Lower Chambers and Parliaments are exhibiting such level of incompetencies in and blockage for the existing Government.

P.S: Nevertheless, I am feeling good about the way and the prospects ofhow things might turn out for Haiti in the long run and the worse we all as Haitian can do right now is panic.

At least for or against, we are seeing some kind of Democracy-"torial" process at work in Haiti no matter how mediocre it seems for now.

Will Rosenberg, July 7 2008, 7:16 PM

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